9 Ekim 2012 Salı


ANLAMINI ÖĞRENMEK İSTEDİĞİNİZ TERİMİ TIKLAYIN accrual accrue accruing accruing to acculturation accumulate accumulating accumulation accumulative accumulator accuracy accurate accurately accursed accusation accusative accuse accuse#of accuse by accused accuser accusing accusingly accustom accustom#to accustom#to be ace acedia acerb acerbity acetanilide acetate acetic acid acetify acetone acetylene acetylsalicylic acid achaean achaian ache achievability achievable achieve achieve on average achievement achiever achieving achilles tendon achromatic achromatic color achromatic colour achromatic lens achromatic vision acid acid forming acid precipitation acid rain acid test acid wash acidic acidify acidity acidophilus milk acidulate acidulous acidulousness ack ack ack ack gun acknowledge acknowledge faults acknowledge the presence of acknowledged acknowledgment aclinic line acme acne acolyte aconite acorn acorn barnacle acoustic acoustic device acoustic guitar acoustic modem acoustic nerve acoustic power acoustic resistance acoustically acoustics acquaint acquaint with acquaintance acquaintanceship acquainted acquainted with acquiesce acquiescence acquiescent acquire acquire skills acquired acquirement acquiring acquisition acquisition agreement acquisitive acquisitiveness acquit acquit#of acquittal acquittance acquitted acre acreage acrid acridity acrimonious acrimony acrobat acrobatic acronym acronymic acronymous acropolis across across the board across the country across the nation acrostic acrylic acrylic acid acrylic fiber acrylic paint acrylic resin act act as act in concert act of god act on act up actinal acting actinic actinic radiation actinium actinometer action activate activated activated carbon activated charcoal activating activation activation energy active active voice actively activism activist activity actor actor's assistant actor's line actress actual actuality actualization actualize actually actuary actuate actuated actuation aculeate acumen acuminate acuminate leaf acupuncture acute acute accent acute angle acutely acuteness ad ad agency ad lib adage adagio adam adam and eve adamant adamantine adapt adapt to adaptability adaptable adaptation adapted adapter adaptor add add on add up add up to added addendum adder adder's tongue addict addicted addiction addictive adding adding machine addis ababa addition additional additionally additive addlebrained addled address address forcefully addressability addressee adduce adenoid adept adequacy adequate adequately adequateness adhere to adherence adherence to adherent adhesion adhesive adhesiveness adieu adipose adiposeness adjacency adjacent adjacent to adjectival adjective adjoin adjoining adjourn adjournment adjudicate adjudication adjunct adjunction adjuration adjure adjure#to adjure#to be adjust adjust finely adjust the tone adjust the volume adjustable adjusted adjusting adjustment adjutant adjutant general adman administer administrate administration administrative administrative data processing administrative district administrative division administrative law administrative official administrative unit administrator admirable admiral admiralty admiralty mile admiration admire admire enviously admired admirer admissible admission admit admit defeat admittance admitted admittedly admitting of admixture admonish admonisher admonishment admonition admonitory ado adobe adobe brick adobe house adolescence adolescent adopt adopted adoption adoptive adorable adoration adore adorer adoring adorn adorned adornment adrenal adrenal cortex adrenal gland adrenaline adriatic adriatic sea adrift adroit adroitness adulation adulator adult adult body adult female adult female body adult male adult male body adulterate adulteration adulterer adulteress adulterine adulterous adulterously adultery adumbrate advance advanced advancement advancing advantage advantageous advantageously advent adventitious adventure adventure story adventurer adventurous adverb adverbial adversary adversative adverse adverse to adversity advert advertise advertisement advertiser advertising advice advisability advisable advise advise#to be advised advisement adviser advising advisor advisory advocacy advocate adz adze aegean aegean islands aegean sea aeolian harp aeolian lyre aeon aerate aerated aerial aerify aero aerobatics aerobic aerobic exercise aerodrome aerodynamic aerogram aerogramme aerolite aeromechanic aeronaut aeronautical aeronautical engineer aeronautical engineering aeronautics aeroplane aerosol aerosol bomb aerospace aerospace engineer aesculapian aesthetic aestival aetiology affability affable affableness affair affect affect with panic affectation affected affectedness affecting affectingly affection affectional affectionate affectionately affective affective disorder afferent affiance affidavit affiliate affiliate to affiliate with affiliation affinity affirm affirmation affirmative affirmed affix affix a seal affixed afflict affliction afflictive affluence affluent afford affordable affray affront affusion afghan afghan hound afghani afghanistan afire aflame afloat aflutter aforementioned aforesaid afraid afraid of afresh africa african african chameleon african coral snake african country african crocodile african elephant african gray african green monkey african hunting dog african monitor african nation african violet african white rhinoceros african wild ass africander afrikaans afro aft after after a fashion after all after hours after part after sale after shave after shave lotion after tax after that after that time afterburner afterdeck afterlife aftermath aftermost afternoon aftershock afterward ag again again and again against agape agate agate line agateware agave agave americana agave family age age group aged agedness ageless agelessness agelong agency agency security agenda agent agent based agent provocateur agglomerate agglomeration agglutinant agglutination agglutinative aggrandize aggrandizement aggravate aggravation aggregate aggregation aggression aggressive aggressively aggressor aggrieve aggrieved aghast agile agility aging agio agitate agitated agitation agitator agitprop agleam aglet aglow agnate agnation agnostic agnostical agnosticism ago agog agonistic agonistical agonize agonizing agony agora agrarian agree agree upon agree with agreeable agreeable to agreeableness agreed agreement agribusiness agricultural agriculture agriculturist agrimony aground ague ahead ahead of aid aid station aide aigrette ail aileron ailing ailment aim aim at aimless air air attack air base air bed air bladder air brake air bubble air cell air conditioner air conditioning air corps air current air cushion air drop air duct air filter air force air force academy air group air gun air hammer air hole air hostess air intake air lane air leak air letter air lock air mail air mile air passage air pocket air pollution air power air pressure air pump air raid air raid shelter air resistance air search radar air station air thermometer air travel air unit airbed airborne aircraft aircraft carrier aircraft engine airfield airflow airforce airiness airing airless airline airliner airlines airlock airmail airmail letter airman airplane airplane propeller airplane ticket airport airship airsick airsickness airspeed airstrip airtight airway airy aisle ajar akin alabama river alabaster alarm alarm bell alarm clock alarm system alarmed alarming alarmingly alarmist alaska alaska cod alaska crab alaska fur seal albania albanian albanian capital albatross album albumen albuminoid alchemist alchemy alcohol alcohol addiction alcohol dependent alcoholic alcoholic beverage alcoholism alcoran alcove aldebaran alder alder fly alderfly alderman ale aleatory alehouse alembyc aleppo alert alert#to alertly alertness aleutians alexander the great alexandria alexia alfalfa alfalfa sprout alfresco alga algae algal algebra algebraic algebraically algebraist algeria algerian algerian capital algerian centime algerian dinar algophobia algorithm algorithmic alias alibi alien alienable alienate alienated alienating alienation alienist aliform alight alight on align aligned aligning alignment alike alikeness aliment alimentary alimentary canal alimony aliquot alive alive to aliveness alkali alkali bee alkalic alkaline alkalinity alkaloid all all along all around all at once all but all clear all cost all day long all fools' day all fours all in all in all all inclusive all knowing all moonshine all of all of a sudden all of it all of them all of which all out all over all over the world all right all round all saints' day all the all the same all the time all the way all the while all times all told all we have said allay allegation allege alleged allegedly allegement allegiance allegiant allegoric allegorical allegorically allegory allegretto allegro allemande sauce allen screw allen wrench allergen allergic allergy alleviate alleviated alleviation alleviative alleviatory alley alley cat alleyway alliaceous alliaceous plant alliance allied alligator alligator pear alliterate alliteration allium allocable allocatable allocate allocate#to allocated allocation allot alloted allotment allow allow#to allow#to be allowable allowance allowed alloy alloyed allspice allude to allure allurement alluring allusion alluvial alluvion ally ally to ally with alma mater almanac almighty almond almond shaped almost almost no